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Maintenance On Existing Systems
ATH Security - Metal Detectors - Security Systems - Closed Monitoring Circuits - Automation - Fire Safety


ATH Security also undertakes maintenance on existing systems in buildings:

  • Metal Detectors at Building Entrances: Our company undertakes the maintenance and improvement of metal detectors at building entrances, ensuring their reliability and efficiency.
  • Automations: Our specialized technicians undertake the maintenance and upgrading of the automations in your premises, ensuring smooth operation and ease of use.
  • Fire Extinguishing Systems: ATH Security offers maintenance and improvement services for fire extinguishing systems, ensuring their excellent operation in case of need.
  • Automatic Reclining Systems: We specialize in the maintenance and upgrading of automatic reclining systems, offering customized solutions for your comfort and safety.

ATH Security is committed to providing high quality services, constantly pursuing improvement and innovation in the field of security. Contact us to discuss how we can strengthen your systems and ensure their superior performance.