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Closed Monitoring Circuits
ATH Security - Fire safety - Extinguishing - Security systems - Metal detectors - Automation


ATH Security, based in Keratsini Attica and under the leadership of Mr. Athanasiadis, holds a leading position in the field of security, specializing in Closed Circuit Surveillance (CCTV) with specialized solutions that combine temperature and object detection with complex security functions.

With over 30 years of experience in the field, ATH Security is distinguished by its expertise in high-tech surveillance, offering leading solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.

Our services include:

CCTV with Temperature Detection: We install state-of-the-art surveillance cameras that have temperature detection technology, face and object recognition, license plate recognition on a moving vehicle, offering proactive security to protect the environment.
Advanced Security Functions: In collaboration with automation systems, we offer advanced functions that enhance the level of protection, ensuring prevention.


Our services are aimed at corporate clients who wish to enhance the level of security in their premises. We understand the importance of proactive security and offer ongoing support for the safety and comfort of our customers.

Contact us to discuss the specialized design that will meet your business security needs. ATH Security is your ally for advanced protection.